Many universities offer students the option to test of courses by passing CLEP tests. This is a great way to save on both tuition and time. I have taken 4 CLEP tests throughout my undergraduate career: Business Law, Microeconomics, Marketing, and Western Civilizations II. While preparing to take my last CLEP, Western Civ II, I found out that I could have been taking the CLEP for free the entire time through Modern States!

Free Video Courses

One of the expenses of the CLEP tests is buying books and other study materials to help learn the material. Modern States provides extensive free video courses for over 30 CLEP tests. Additionally, they even provide a supplemental textbook, outlines, and review questions!

Take Your CLEP Test for Free

As if a free course wasn’t enough already, Modern States will give you a voucher for your test if you complete the video course! (An $80 fee) Additionally, they will reimburse your testing center fee (around $35) if you mail in your receipt! If you’re already planning to take the CLEP, this feels like earning $115 just for watching their videos.

My Experience

I was very impressed with the thoroughness of Modern State’s Western Civ II course. materials. The College Board provides an official outline of what will be on the test, and Modern State’s took this outline and used it as the basis for their videos, ensuring that what I was learning was actually on the test. Personally, I found it much easier to study from these video than from written CLEP materials. I also found it very beneficial to use their outlines to create my own notes to study from, and taking these notes helped me to stay engaged during the videos. Their quiz questions also helped me make sure that I was grasping the material before I moved on to a new section.

My Results

Western Civ II was definitely the hardest CLEP test I took. However, thanks to Modern States I passed on my first attempt! I only needed a 50 to pass, and I received a 61.

I would highly recommend anyone who is considering taking a CLEP test to check out Modern States. How can you turn down roughly $150 in savings and a terrific course to boot?

Categories: Student

1 Comment

7 Reasons Why Every College Student Should Use Rate My Professors - CeCe of the Web · June 27, 2019 at 8:01 pm

[…] How to CLEP for Free […]

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