Parks and Rec has gifs for every situation, including summing up the 0L life cycle. Wherever you are in the cycle, I hope you find this relatable!

Deciding you want to go to law school

And convincing yourself it’s a good idea

See the source image

Studying for the LSAT

The endless grind

Right after taking the LSAT

You’re gonna shut down for the next 48 hours

Waiting for LSAT results

And trying not to second guess your answer choices

See the source image

Getting your LSAT results

And trying to convince yourself it’s gonna be okay

Unsolicited Emails

All those law schools you’ve never heard of showing up in your inbox liiiiiike

Filling out applications

And realizing you don’t have any hobbies

See the source image

Trying to explain where you are in your cycle

Trying to explain waitlisting, offers, acceptances, and school rankings to relatives and receiving unsolicited advice

Unexpected acceptance calls

Trying to keep your cool and handle the call like a professional

Waiting for $$ offers

It’s like waiting for your LSAT results all over again

See the source image

Getting accepted at your dream school!


Waiting for school to start

What is there left to do now that you can’t obsessively check your email?

Supporting beginning cyclers

Supporting the new gremlins on r/lawschooladmissions like

parks and recreation amy GIF

Getting ready to quit your job

As the reality of law school starts to sink in you momentarily rethink everything

See the source image

Law school finally starts!

And your time as an 0L has officially ended!

See the source image

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