Here’s why Wife swap is everything you could want out of a reality TV show.

1. It’s so relatable.

If you’re being honest, you can see yourself in at least one person every episode. For good…..or sometimes not so good.

2. The overreactions.

They’re almost better than when pro soccer players get “tripped.”

3. Real life is stranger than fiction.

Real people just make for such better TV. Who could make this stuff up?

4. The role reversals.

Watching the husbands trying to cope with childcare, cooking, and cleaning can be both hysterical and so satisfying.

5. The confrontations.

All the tea without you having to be the one to spill it.

6. Your kids won’t look that bad anymore.

Either that or this show will help with population control by scaring people away from parenthood.

7. You’ll feel less guilty.

Somewhere out there is a mother that is (much) worse than you. They provide the proof.

8. The expert pairings.

I don’t know where they find these families, but they couldn’t be more oppositely paired.

9. The feels.

It’s really touching to see how much these people love their spouses – once they can get away from their cray temporary spouse.

10. The recaps.

And trying to read between the lines to see if they actually made any changes.

Categories: Uncategorized

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