I found Rate My Professors to be one of the most useful resources available during my undergraduate years. Scheduling courses can be really stressful and using Rate My Professors to view other students’ reviews of your professors can really help you make clear-cut decisions! Here are my 7 reasons to use Rate My Professors:

1. Your GPA is on the line.

Using Rate My Professors could be the difference between an A and a B. It’s the best way to save yourself from getting a terrible professor whose class wrecks your GPA.

2. It saves you unnecessary work.

One of the most useful things you can gain from reading reviews is that you can see which professors assign a lot of homework, have really hard tests, or are just unnecessarily tough. Rate My Professors is key for students who want to work smarter, not harder.

3. It helps you form lasting connections.

By knowing more about the professors you choose, you can ensure that you sign up for professors that you will really like. Forming great relationships with professors is crucial, especially when you start needing letters of recommendation.

4. It gives you a good idea of what to expect.

Reviews often have great tips on how to study for tests, whether to use office hours, and what a professor values. Reading these reviews can definitely give you an edge over your classmates.

5. It can help you choose a college.

I found Rate My Professors to be really useful while picking a law school, because it provided me reviews of the law schools themselves and their professors. It was very useful to be able to see how reviews stacked up between schools. Incoming undergrad students should definitely read reviews for professors in their field of study, because these are the teachers they will be working with for the next 4 years.

6. You can help other students.

Writing reviews is a great way to pay it forward for all of the help you receive from Rate My Professors. You can warn students to stay away from certain professors or encourage them to take classes with professors you loved.

7. It’s a great place to vent.

Rate My Professors is a great way to anonymously get some angst out after dealing with a particularly bad professor and commiserate with fellow students. Reviews can be not only helpful, but also hilariously entertaining. Alternatively, it can be a great platform to show appreciation for awesome professors!

Categories: Student

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