In anticipation of the upcoming Loki series, I have compiled a list of my top 10 Loki moments! Feel free to share with misguided friends who don’t share your love of Loki and to comment with your own top 10 Loki moments!

  1. The quintessential Loki quote

2. Loki IS a hero!! (Maybe my favorite moment of Ragnorak)

3. He finally gets one over on Thor

4. Loki’s directorial debut

5. Loki’s true devotion to his mother

6. Loki takes over Comic Con

7. Loki scares the bejeebers out of the Incredible Hulk

8. Poor forgotten Loki 🙁

9. Backseat driver


Be sure to watch for more top 10 lists! 🙂

Categories: Uncategorized

1 Comment

10 Reasons Why The Amelia Peabody Series Will Improve Quarantine - CeCe of the Web · May 9, 2020 at 6:07 am

[…] all my Loki girls….. you’re gonna love […]

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